Mahatma Gandhi - MOMENTUM Creative Integration
Graphic Design firm offering creative services.
Graphic Design, Creative Partner, External Design
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My life is my message.

— Mahatma Gandhi

What an incredibly inspirational message to absorb. When you step back and frame that simple sentence you realize that every moment of our journey we are crafting a message. To whom, that is up to each of us. We can write to ourselves [ultimately for ourselves] or we can encapsulate others in those writings. What it means is that our personal and professional lives are laying out a tapestry of actions that eventually lead to one simple message that will define our lives and all that we are. Our message will be read whether we embrace the concept or not. So, may you write yours well, for some messages will never be forgotten for good—or bad. Let’s choose to make ours memorable in all the right ways!

My life is my message. – Mahatma Gandhi