Leo Burnett - MOMENTUM Creative Integration
Graphic Design firm offering creative services.
Graphic Design, Creative Partner, External Design
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Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.

— Leo Burnett

Never lose your curiosity for life as it will always connect you to others. It is the energy that brings all of us together. Celebrate the creative energy in YOU by spreading your wings a little. Use your inner tenacity to discover more in life to further your professional success. Think outside the normalcy of your day-to-day to see what slight creative shifts you can make to get a little more creative. Like developing a new marketing campaign driven to draw attention toward a great offer or how about fresh signage to attract new foot traffic. Consider inviting a new musician into your shop to add some new waves of energy. Change up the lighting for a day by swapping out light-bulbs or adding new lamps. Pick one customer stopping by your store and give them a coupon for a FREE offer.


Think about interviewing your clientele or customers to see what is working and what is missing after they leave your establishment. Recording their immediate impressions of customer service, business impact and potential of return. BE CURIOUS every minute you can because if you don’t ask the right questions. Or if you don’t provide the right atmosphere then perhaps you just might miss making that right impression to catapult you forward in life.